Equipment Rental with Operator for Professional Contractors
SKIDSTEER/DUMP COMBO | $187.00/hour* |
EXCAVATOR/DUMP COMBO | $187.00/hour* |
S185 BOBCAT SKIDSTEER With Bucket Only | $125.00/hour* |
Skidsteer with Tires Skidsteer with Tracks |
$125.00/hour* $150.00/hour* |
JCB 8035 Mini Excavator | $138.00/hour* |
1 TON DUMP TRUCK 1 to 3 Ton Capacities | $95.00/hour* |
5 TON DUMP TRUCK 5 to 8 Ton Capacities | $105.00/hour* |
ELECTRIC SNAKE - 3/4" X 100' | $394.00 min. 1st hour/then $77.00/hour after |
LABOR | $95.00 min. 1st hour/then $80.00/hour after |
SEWER CAMERA - 3/4" x 250' | $325.00 min. 1st hour/then $77.00/hour after |
SEWER JET | $575.00 min. 1st hour/then $167.00/hour after |
*All hourly rates include operator and fuel. Special rates may apply to comination rentals on the above equipment. All above rates are subject to change without notice. Hourly rate begins when machine departs from the yard. There is a four hour minimum on all hourly equipment and a two hour minimum on all trucks. If machine becomes excessively dirty, a $40.00 cleaning fee will apply.